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Penang International Invention, Innovation and Design (PIID 2023) – Competition is organized by Research Management Unit in collaboration with Centre for Civil Engineering Studies, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Cawangan Pulau Pinang to serve as a platform for students, academicians, industries and professionals to highlight innovation, invention and design in their respective fields related to science, technology, engineering, mathematics and social sciences. It is also in line with the government’s policy to encourage research activities in Malaysia and Sustainable Development Goals. Besides, this event is motivated by the previous success of PIID 2021. This event is a competition in product commercialization, idea, invention and design that has a high quality innovation. The competition will be judged by juries from the industry and academia with experiences in innovation, commercialization and research. PIID 2023 promote ‘Energizing Sustainable Future Through Social Entrepreneurship and Innovation Technology’ as a competition theme.


Penang International Invention, Innovation and Design Competition 2023 is organizing to promote following objectives:

  1. To promote an innovation culture among students, academicians, researchers in Institute of Higher Learning, Technical Institution and schools at local and international level.
  2. To cultivate invention, innovation and design towards commercialization at local and international level.
  3. To produce scholar among academician and researcher based on invention and innovation culture in all related field.
  4. To enhance visibility of researcher and inventor locally and internationally.

Strategic Partner

Malaysian Academy of SME and
Entrepreneurship Development (MASMED)


The Penang International Invention, Innovation and Design Competition (PIID 2023) has several sponsorship packages available, providing sponsors with a choice of exposure related to financial commitment. Participating as a sponsor and/or exhibitor at the PIID 2023 can take you straight to your target market and demonstrate your level of support and commitment to the science, technology, engineering, mathematics and social sciences and entrepreneurship.

The PIID 2023 can provide your organization with:

Maximum exposure at a premier conference devoted to those involved in the construction industry.
An opportunity to build and reinforce strategic relationships within the construction industry.
Time to network with industry colleagues and key decision makers.
A cost effective way to reinforce your organisation's brand and build brand awareness amongst a relevant audience.
Access to a broad network of industry partners from state and federal Government departments and the private sector.
Time to present latest innovations and new products or services to a pertinent audience, and showcase your expertise and capabilities.
Increased marketing opportunities including visibility on the conference website and associated marketing materials.

Please contact Dr. Anas Ibrahim to discuss sponsorship packages and opportunities available in more detail:

Dr. Anas Ibrahim
Civil Engineering Studies
College of Engineering
Universiti Teknologi MARA, Cawangan Pulau Pinang
Kampus Permatang Pauh
13500 Permatang Pauh
Pulau Pinang.
Hp: +601 9 5700311
Email: ceanas@uitm.edu.my

Partner Sponsors

Co-Partner Sponsors

Mini Sponsors

Special Award Sponsor

Malaysian Academy of SME and
Entrepreneurship Development (MASMED)



Category A (SCH): School Student

Flat Fee (Local) : RM150
Flat Fee (International) : USD150

Details Category:
Primary and Secondary School ONLY

User Registration

Category B (UNI) : University and Technical Institution Student

Early Bird (Local) : RM200
Normal Fee (Local) : RM250
Early Bird (International) : USD200
Normal Fee (International) : USD250

Details Category:
IPTA, IPTS, IKM, IKBN, ILP, Politeknik, Kolej Komuniti, Kolej Vokasional and others.

User Registration

Category C (ACA) : Academician, Industry and Professional

Early Bird (Local) : RM400
Normal Fee (Local) : RM500
Early Bird (International) : USD400
Normal Fee (International) : USD450

Details Category:
Academician of HLIs, Research Centers, Government Institutions, Private Institutions, Industry and others.

User Registration

Payment Instruction

  1. Payment can be made via FINEPAY ONLY.
    Click HERE For Category A (Normal Fee)
    Click HERE For Category B (Early Bird)
    Click HERE For Category B (Normal Fee)
    Click HERE For Category C (Early Bird)
    Click HERE For Category C (Normal Fee)
  2. Payment must be made in Malaysian Ringgit (RM) for Local Participants and US Dollar (USD) for International Participants.


Engineering, Science & Technology (ET)

Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Architectural, Geomatics, Applied Science, Agriculture Technology, Food Technology, Medical and Health Sciences, Sport Sciences and Technology, Biomedical Engineering, Nanotechnology, Marine Engineering.

Sustainable Development (SD)

End of Poverty, End Hunger by Achieve Food Security and Improved Nutrition, Healthy Lives and Promote Well-Being, Ensure Inclusive and Equitable Quality Education and Promote Lifelong Learning Opportunities, Achieve Gender Equality and Empower All Women and Girls, Ensure Availability and Sustainable Management of Water and Sanitation, Ensure Access to Affordable and Clean Energy, Decent Work and Economy Growth, Industry Innovation and Sustainable Infrastructure, Reduce Inequality Within and Among Countries, Sustainable Cities and Communities, Responsible Consumption and Production, Climate Action, Sustainable Live Below Water, Sustainable Life on Land, Promote Peaceful and Inclusive Societies for Sustainable Development.


Social Science & Entrepreneurship (SE)

Educational Management, Business Management and Administration, Entrepreneurship, Social Entrepreneurship, Hotel Management, Tourism Management, Sport Management, Performing Art, Art, Law and Public Administrative, Management, General Education, Social Sciences Field.

Educational Technology & Innovation (ED)

Educational 5.0, Teaching and Learning Innovation, Modern Tools in Education Application, Technology in Educational Management and System Analysis, Behavioral Technology in Education, Instructional Design.


Information & Digital Technology (IT)

Data Processing and Hosting, Manufacturing in Information Technologies, Telecommunications, Artificial Neural Network, Internet of Things, Big Data, Digital Technology, Programming, Software Engineering, Information Security,

Registration of PIID 2023 Rules and Regulations

Details Information
Corresponding email Contact person email address (project leader, advisor)
Full name Category A – Project Advisor (teacher)
Category B – Project Leader (students)
Category C – Project Leader (academician, professional)
Designation Choose based on scroll down button
Phone number Project leader phone number
Alternative phone number Active member phone number
Project title Product title has to be similar to the Extended Abstract
Category A – Primary School / Secondary School
B – University Student / Technical Institution Student
C – Academician / Professional
University/Institution Name Project leader university or institution name
Mailing address Active and reachable address (Home or Organization)
Extended Abstract Submission of Extended Abstract shall be made in Microsoft Word file and should be using the PIID2023 Extended Abstract Format that can be downloaded from the PIID2023 website (Click HERE). Accepted Extended Abstract is considered as the final version and no updates are allowed after EA acceptance. Please email us at piid2023@uitm.edu.my If you have any special enquiries.
Project members Category A – Project members listed should include ONLY STUDENTS and NOT INCLUDING ADVISOR with a MAXIMUM of 5 STUDENTS.
Category B – Project leader should be the UNDERGRADUATE OR POSTGRADUATE STUDENTS and should be stated in the affiliation in Extended Abstract Form. Project members can be supervisor/co-supervisor from institution or organization and undergraduates/postgraduates students only. It is NOT ALLOWED for other academician or professional members to be in the team. A MAXIMUM of 5 members inclusive of the project leader.
Category C – Project leader should be ACADEMICIAN/PROFESSIONAL. A MAXIMUM of 5 members is inclusive of the project leader.


All accepted extended abstracts will be published in our PIID2023 e-Proceedings with e-ISBN number.

For further details on the submission of extended abstracts, please visit our website and download the template via : https://piid2023.uitmcpp.com/.

We look forward to your support and participation in PIID2023!

Thank you.


16 - 18 MAY 2023
(Tuesday – Thursday)

16 May 2023 - Tuesday

Time Activity Venue
1400 Participants Registration Session 1 Dewan Besar, UiTMCPP
1500 Booth Preparation: Session 1
1700 End of Event Day 1

17 May 2023 - Wednesday

Time Activity Venue
0900 Participants Registration Session 1 Dewan Besar, UiTMCPP
0930 Keynote Speaker 1
0945 Judges Briefing Session 1
1000 Judging Process Session 1
1300 Lunch Break
1330 Participants Registration Session 2 and Booth Preparation
1430 Judges Briefing Session 2
1445 Judging Process Session 2
1700 End of Event Day 2

18 May2023 - Thursday

Time Activity Venue
0900 Participants Registration Session 3 Dewan Besar, UiTMCPP
0930 Keynote Speaker 2
0945 Judges Briefing Session 3
1000 Judging Process Session 3
1230 End of Evaluation
1300 Lunch Break
1430 Closing Ceremony
1700 End of Event

PIID 2023 Promo Video



Prof. Ir Dr Ahmad Rashidy Razali


Assc. Prof. Ts Dr Kay Dora Abd Ghani


Dr Nor Azliza Akbar

Vice Chairman 1

Dr Anas Ibrahim

Vice Chairman 2

Dr Ainorkhilah Mahmood

Vice Chairman 3

Ts Dr Mohd Samsudin Abdul Hamid


Ts Aniza Albar
Dr Hazrina Ahmad
Nurwahida Muhamad Pengiran


Nurulzatushima Abdul Karim
Dr Wan Safizah Wan Salim
Rusne Abd Razak

Event Protocol

Ts Dr Mohd Samsudin Abdul Hamid (Unit Head)
Nurakmal Hamzah
Ir Afifudin Habulat
Zamri Ahmad
Aimi Nadiyah Mohd Anuar

Website & Design

Md Rasul Mohamad Nor
Siti Rahimah Rosseli
Mohd Syafiq Abdul Rahman
Noor Syafeekha Mohamad Sakdun
Nuraini Tutur
Ts Dr Suhailah Mohamed Nor

Sponsorship & External Relations

Dr Anas Ibrahim (Unit Head)
Ts Dr Muhamad Faizal Pakir Mohamed Latiff
Ts Dr Mohd Ikmal Fazlan
Dr Siti Juliana Abu Bakar
Dr Siti Hafizan Hassan
Ir Zulfairul Zakariah
Ir Ts Chan Hun Beng
Azura Ahmad
Prof Madya Ir Dr Yee Hooi Min


Mohd Azuan Tukiar (Unit Head)
Prof Madya Chm Dr Nor Aziyah Bakhari
Ts Adi Izhar Che Ani
Dr Suria Sulaiman
Badrul Nizam Ismail
Muhammad Hafeez Osman
Ts Dr Suhailah Mohamed Nor


Ts Syahrul Fithry Senin (Unit Head)
Rohamezan Rohim
Norlizan Wahid
Amer Yusuff
Dr Syarifah Adilah Mohamed Yusoff
Dr Wan Zuraida Binti Wan Kamis
Dr Ghazirah Mustapha
Dr Mohammad Nizam Ibrahim
Mohaiyedin Bin Idris
Dr Juhaizad Ahmad


Dr Nur Ashikin Marzuki (Unit Head)
Dr Salina Alias
Ir Ts Dr Goh Lyn Dee
Dr Kuan Woei Keong

Technical & Logistics

Ts Fairus Aswan Azizan (Unit Head)
Habibullah Mahmud
Mohd Salleh Abdullah
Salahuddin Abdullah
Mohamad Azrul Aswad Mohamad Nor

Event Preparation

Zaini Endut (Unit Head)
Ir Aimi Idzwan Tajudin
Mohd Faiza Zakaria
Roseffendy Ramlan
Md Faizal Zakaria
Suzana Ahmad
Norzurina Osman
Nurul Nor Fazlina Fazil
Nur Hakimi Azami
Nurulain Ahmad


NorHafida Hashim (Unit Head)
Adhilla Ainun Musir
Rozaini Ramli
Daliah Hasan
Zuraisah Dollah
Nor Janna Tammy
Azlina Mohd Mydin
Wan Anisha Wan Mohammad

Certificates & Souvenirs

Ir Nur Juhanah Juhari (Unit Head)
Khairul Afinawati
Siti Fatimah Sadikon
Juliana Idrus
Nur Shafieza Azizan
Ts Zanariah Abdul Rahman
Juzailah Nur Yunus
Nur Maizatul Azra Mukhtar
Ts Dr Haslinda Abdul Hamid
Satira Hambali
Kamsiah Abdul Wahab
Raja Nor Husna Binti Raja Mohd Noor

Foods Preparation

Ir Ts Noraziyan Abd Aziz (Unit Head)
Nur Masyitah Osman
Syahirah Mansor
Nik Farhanim Imran

Special tasks

Kartini Saad

Recommended Accommodation for participants

Bil. Type Name Address Contact Number
1 3 Star Hotel Sunway Hotel 11, Lebuh Tenggiri 2 Pusat Bandar Seberang Jaya, 13700 Perai 04-370 7788
2 4 Star Hotel The Light Hotel Lebuh Tenggiri 2, 13700 Seberang Jaya 04-382 1111
3 3 Star Hotel Ixora Hotel 3096 Jalan Baru, Bandar Perai Jaya, 13600 Perai 04-382 8888
4 3 Star Hotel Pearl View Hotel Jalan Baru, Taman Chai Leng, 13700 Perai 04-398 9888
5 Budget Hotel Hotel Seri Pauh 15, Lorong Pauh Jaya 1/2, Taman Pauh Jaya, 13700 Perai 04-390 0351
6 Budget Hotel ADAMSON INN HOTEL 3, Lorong Desa Pauh 1, Kampung Tok Ebot, 13700 Permatang Pauh 019-442 6995
7 Budget Hotel E-Red Hotel Bandar Perda 42, Lorong Perda Selatan 1, Bandar Perda, 14000 Bukit Mertajam 04-530 0008
8 Budget Hotel E-Red Hotel Sunway 42, Jln Todak 4, Bandar Seberang Jaya, 13700 Perai 04-398 0000
9 Budget Hotel The Blanket Hotel 95, Jln Todak 6, Pusat, 13700 Seberang Jaya 04-383 9883
10 Budget Hotel Marvelton Hotel 1 & 3, Lorong Kelasah 2, Taman Kelasah, 13700 Seberang Jaya 07-268 7419
11 Homestay HNZ Homestay Kampung Belah Dua, 13700 Permatang Pauh 019-705 6345
12 Homestay Vintage Homestay 35, Lebuhraya Kurau Taman Siakap 13700, 13700 Seberang Perai 014-919 7980
13 Homestay Dqis Homestay C4, G-10, Jalan Pauh Indah 1, Taman Pauh Indah, 13500 Bukit Mertajam 012-411 5507
14 Homestay Homestay Alya Penang mk6, 1239, Kampung Belah Dua, 13500 Permatang Pauh 013-204 0292
15 Homestay HOMESTAY HAJI AYOB TBP 4919, Kampung Pertama, 13500 Permatang Pauh 012-552 4196
16 Homestay Cu Om's Homestay 1374 Jalan Permatang Pauh Permatang Janggus Permatang Pauh, 13500 Bukit Mertajam 019-598 0251
17 Homestay Homestay KB2 3384, Kampung Belah Dua Permatang Pauh, 13500 Bukit Mertajam 011-1581 6453
18 Homestay Tok Ani Homestay 1970/1971, Jl. Permatang Janggus, Kampung Bagan Serai, 13500 Permatang Pauh 010-511 8021
19 Homestay Nur Homestay 899, Jalan Haji Taib Kassim, Kampung Bakar Arang, 13500 Permatang Pauh 016-417 8127
20 Homestay Homestay Mutiara 7, Jalan Sutera Indah, Taman Sutera Indah, 13700 Seberang Jaya 010-536 7177
21 Homestay Ummi Homestay 8, Lorong Pauh Jaya 3/7, Permatang Pauh, 13700 Perai 017-403 7897
22 Homestay Duwan Homestay 22, Lorong Pauh Jaya 3/8, Taman Pauh Jaya, 13700 Perai 012-490 3370
23 Homestay Unifi Homestay 37-81, Lorong Pauh Jaya 3/1, Taman Pauh Jaya, 13700 Perai 019-450 7909
24 Homestay An Nisa Homestay No 53, Lorong Pauh Jaya 3/1, Taman Pauh Jaya, 13700 Seberang Perai 019-449 0700
25 Homestay AMAL HOMESTAY 11, Lorong Sutera 13, Taman Sutera, 13700 Seberang Jaya 019-449 0700
26 Homestay Casa Cottage Muslim Homestay Casa Perdana, 40, Tingkat Pauh Jaya 2, Taman Pauh Jaya, 13700 Perai 019-472 7997
27 Homestay Marberry Homestay 38, Lintang Pauh Indah 4, Taman Pauh Indah, 13500 Permatang Pauh 019-443 2206
28 Homestay Homestay & Chalet Kasih Bonda Kampung Belah Dua, 13500 Permatang Pauh 019-570 0661